Friday, May 6, 2011

What is a Charity? How can I help others?

What is a Charity?  The word Charity in the dictionary says:  generous 
actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless, something given to a 
person or persons in need.  A charity is a particular type of voluntary 
organization that takes a distinctive legal form to raise money to provide 
help, support, relief and assistance of particular need.
What is a Foundation?  The word Foundation in the dictionary says:  an 
institution financed by a donation or legacy to aid in research, education, 
arts etc.  A foundation is a legal categorization of nonprofit organizations 
(NPO) that will donate funds and support to other organizations or 
provide the source of funding for its own charitable purposes.
What is a Private Foundation? It is a legal entity set up by and 
individual, family or group, for purpose such as philanthropy.
What is Philanthropy? It is the effort or inclination to increase the 
well being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations to orphanage 
and others who need help. website is a fun directory of charities and 
foundations that help, support, bring aid, lend a hand and bring comfort 
by charitable contributions and donations to fund and aid in relief to 
animals, families and children.  Children can help other children online.  
You can support, feed and donate to animals, rescue animals and assist 
people in need from your computer or cell phones.  It is easy. You can help 
by donating to websites for  the dogs, cats, whales, birds, eagles, 
penguins, koalas, sea horses, seals, monkeys, gorillas,horses, elephants, 
lemurs, dolphins, lions, kangaroos, butterflies, tigers, sea turtles, sea 
lions, whales and bears. We have listed charities & foundations that 
donate time and money to support and feed hungry kids, hungry families 
and teenagers with needs.  We list organizations that help fire, burn 
victims, tsunamis, earthquake, floods and more natural disaster victims 
and their losses.  You will easily find links to foundations & charities for 
Epilepsy, M.S., Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Muscular 
Atrophy and websites for children with autism, children with diabetes 
and children with food allergies.  We added websites the help kids and 
teens with bullying.  We list websites that help sick and hurt kids along 
with websites for parent education. We have a page for Internet Safety 
for kids, where we list the most updated Internet safety and cell phone 
safety websites for parents, teachers & kids.   Great for schools and 

If you wish to help but cannot donate money you can make donations at 
one click donation websites.  We have a one (1) click donation websites 
page.  All you have to do is click 1 time with your mouse.  A donation is 
made by another person or company for each mouse click received on 
their website.

We do not take any money we are strictly a listing of charity and 
foundation websites to help others.

Enjoy helping others and animals on our site by yourself or with your 
children.  It’s a great way to teach kids to help others in need.    


  1. Hello,

    I'm Nicolas and I want to donate for the children, I know that I'm young but still, I want to help other people especially children who are in need. Those who don't have parents, proper education and good nutrition. I want to share my blessings with them.


  2. ICONTRIBUTE is a portal where the gap between the people who want to contribute and the people who need the contribution is bridged.
