Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Child I know With Cancer

I know a girl who is 12 years old.  I met her when she was 5 year old.  We were very close for several years.  Due to a divorce in the family, I don't see her anymore.  I miss her dearly.  A few months ago she was diagnosed with bone cancer.  I have been unable to see her since she was diagnosed.  I'm heart broken so much I can't  express the debt of it in words. 

She has had 1/2 her chemotherapy treatments done and a major surgery removing a part of her femur bone out of one leg and using a cadaver bone and a part of her fibula bone of her other leg to put in it's place.  She has both legs healing from major surgery as she continues in her chemo treatments.

I dedicated a page in my website to help support children with cancer and their families.   She and her sister were a big part of why this website was made.  Do to her privacy I did not dedicate a page to her name, but I hope the new page will help others who have children suffering from cancer and fighting for their lives.

I say prayers everyday for her and want to give her the biggest hug EVER!!!

On Valentines day 2007 she found some money and we went online together with her sister to donate some of the money to a charity.  We decided to donate it to a charity in Long Beach that helps abused kids that I knew about.  Then we came up with an idea to make a website that parents and their kids can go to together and pick a charity to donate to together in family time.

Her and her older sister helped me make a list animals to put on the website.  I did the research and found the pictures and charities and foundations to list on the site.  This made

At one time we had a page dedicated to their friend who has spinal muscular atrophy.  It was fun.  It got written up in the newspaper.  The girls got interviewed with their friend and had their pictures in the paper. It was very cool. 

Her and her sister  helped me and their father with a fundraiser to help one of my clients who has a brain injury from a car accident  raise over $13,000 for him to help with his medical bills last year last year.   They did a great job and worked hard and my client was very thankful to them.

I have added pages do help specific illnesses due to people I meet and their kids. I never thought I would be making a page to help childhood cancer families because one of the 2 girls who helped inspire this website has cancer.

I ask for prayers and blessings sent her way

Please use this  new page to help you find education on childhood cancers for someone you may know.

I love you Kate!
I'm wishing you everyday a 100% recovery !!