Are you looking for an easy way to help kids and animals in need for the 2011 holdiay season?
You can help a hungry animal, a hungry family, a hungry child or teen. You can help sick and abused kids for the holdays season easily from you home or work computer right now.
Go to and you will see many links to help all sorts of people and animals who are less fortunate then you and I.
This is a great website to help kids see and learn about helping others. You can help several different kind of animals and birds. You can help sick kids, abused kids, hungry kids, homeless teens as well as many specific illness to learn about and donate too.
This website makes no money, nor do you give money to this site. It is a cute easy directory made for Parents, Kids and Teachers to help.
Enjoy!! Help others now.
We are also having a contest to replace a kids drawing on our website. The contest ends in February. Go to to see details.
Happy Holidays and I hope you reached out easily to help someone else.
Thank you is a website built for children and their parents to go online together and make donations to trusted, charity,organizations and foundation websites that help adults, children and animals in need. This site is used by many teachers in classrooms to help with Internet safety, safety at home and anti-bullying. has cute animals pictures which makes if fun for kids and very easy to navigate through.